Sunday, April 08, 2012

Study Shows that More People are Reading

Not too many years ago, people were lamenting over decreased number of people who were reading, thanks to video games and other technological entertainment. Well, things have changed. Data from the Pew Research Center shows not only that people are reading more, but they’re reading in all formats. The survey also showed that men under age 50, who own e-reading devices, are among those who are reading more. Those of you who read last week’s blog on the Association of American Publishers data will note that the Pew Research’s info has drawn similar conclusions about the rise in both ebook and print reading. Here are some of the highlights from the Pew Center’s data:

43% of Americans age 16 and over report that they’ve read an ebook in the past year, or other material including articles, journals, and newspapers, on tablets, computers, cell phones, or e-readers. 88% of those who had read an ebook in the past 12 months have also read a print book, and generally speaking, they’re reading more books. People are reading not only for pleasure, but for research, current events, work, or school.

As I found in earlier studies over the past couple of years, ebook readers do read more books: approximately 25 books a year, compared with print readers who average 15 books a year. Ebook readers, however, are also fond of reading books in all formats. 30% of people who own e-readers report that they now read more, as do those who own tablets.

Not surprisingly, the main reasons people choose to read on e-readers or tablets are portability and speedy access. Print still wins out when people are reading to children, or sharing books with others. So, reading is alive and well for men and women of all ages! You can find more interesting data at

DEADLY ACCUSATIONS, (now also out on Kindle)
THE OPPOSITE OF DARK, now available for iphones, iPads, and iPodTouch at Also available in paperback at and on Kindle at

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