Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Importance of Preparing to Write
I have colleagues who prepare to write by going to the same place in their home everyday. Some writers prepare by composing a paragraph or two of whatever comes to mind. Others might do a little physical exercise while many writers choose to edit a page of the previous day’s work to put them back in the zone.
It seems that nearly every writer performs some sort of ritual to put them in a creative mindset. This isn’t so much a quirky habit but, as Betsy Warland writes in her book, Breathing the Page: Reading the Act of Writing, a necessary part of writing. Warland views preparation as a three part process.
The first step she calls circling, which is where the writer gathers thoughts, images, research, and notes. This process can take anywhere from a few hours to a few years.
Warland calls the second step the approach, or “crossing the threshold”. This is where the writer does something that takes him (or her) away from the daily obstacles and activities of life. For many, this means going for a walk, or perhaps a bike ride. During this process, the writer's thoughts are shifting into a state of consciousness that allows him to focus on writing.
The third stage is the active waiting stage, which is when the writer sit at his writing place and lets the thoughts come. Warland compares this part of the process to a basketball player gathering his focus at the free throw line, however she cautions us not to rush this final stage. The urgency to put something down on paper because we only have an hour, is a common problem that often sends the writers’ work off track.
Over the years, my writing habits have changed. These days, I prefer a morning coffee to tea, and I’ve discovered the joy of writing a first draft on a laptop from anywhere in my home rather than using the PC in my basement office. I also prefer to download emails and visit twitter as part of my warm-up exercise, but I guess changing with the times is also part of the writing process.
Coming in March 2011, THE OPPOSITE OF DARK,
My Alex Bellamy mysteries can be purchased at
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Great Books for Writers
From there, I went on to Writers’ Digest’s collection of how-to books covering everything from scene of crime, to poisons, to weapons, bones, PIs, and police procedure. I’ve read Forensics for Dummies by D.P. Lyle, more books on writing mysteries by Michael Seidman, G. Miki Hayden, and Hallie Ephron. And of course, there were the punctuation and grammar books, including two favorites: Elements of Style by Strunk & White and Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss.
So, when a colleague recommended Breathing the Page: Reading the Act of Writing, I had to give it a try. This book, isn’t a step-by-step, how-to guide, but rather a thoughtful collection of essays mixed with interview segments about the act of writing, being a writer, and the all important—but often overlooked—preparation for writing. With more than forty years of writing and publishing experience, author Betsy Warland discusses this topic with a depth I’ve rarely heard before.
Some of her topics might seem mundane, such as pencils, tables, and computers, but there are much more to these topics than meets the eye, and that’s really what the book is about. Digging deeper into the act of writing; thinking about what one is doing, and why; pondering what works and what doesn’t in your own work, and how problem areas might be solved.
This is one of those books that you’ll want to pick up repeatedly as you work on your prose and poetry. Warland clearly identifies common problems, such as what she calls billboarding: writing unnecessary and intrusive commentary, or scaffolding: the necessary writing during initial drafts to build narrative, but which writers often forget or refuse to remove during revision. A couple of essays were a little obscure, or perhaps too complex, for me to fully understand and digest on the first read. Still, I leaned so much that I highly recommend this book to anyone who is serious about writing well.
Not surprisingly, Warland has her favorite writing books as well, including Aspect of the Novel by E.M. Forster, If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland, Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brand and A Writer’s Diary by Virginia Woolf. It seems I still have some reading to do. So, tell me, what are some of your favorite books on writing?
Coming in March 2011, THE OPPOSITE OF DARK,
My Alex Bellamy mysteries can be purchased at
Friday, January 21, 2011
What Charlie Said
But he wanted to try it. I had disposed of my copy, so I bought him a used one.
Day One
Charlie: I like this book! The characters are real, believable and authentic. There's a lot of detail. It makes the characters and the setting come alive.
Me: Keep reading.
Day Two
Charlie: It's getting a little tedious. The author has already established credibility; now the author is just showing off how much the author knows about the setting.
Me: It gets worse.
Day Three
Charlie: These characters don't make any sense! Why would they do the things they do? The kind of people the author has set them up to be wouldn't do this or say that or put up with the situation. And why do we need all this history of the area?
Me: It gets worse.
Day Four
Me: I know what part you just read.
Day Five
Charlie: I finished that damn book. I just skimmed the last part of it. It had no integrity. The author didn't stay true to the characters or the storyline established in the beginning. The characters kept doing things, but none of it meant anything.
Me: Maybe we're not giving it enough credit. Maybe it's meant to play the male exploitative acquisitive principle off against the female personal nurturing principle.
Charlie: Well, it doesn't do it.
And so, fellow writers, let us keep in mind, as we write our stories, these guidelines:
- establish the setting with authority at the beginning and then only touch on it as necessary
- establish the characters, their strengths and flaws; if the character acts out of the general personality you've given him/her, make it reveal depths rather than letting it outrage reason
- make the storyline make sense on its own terms: in real life, things happen and then other things happen; in a story, things happen for a reason and to a purpose; the reason cannot be "because the author made it happen" and the purpose cannot be "because the author wants it to"
- the best stories say something about life or an aspect of life, and work as story and as commentary
Don't let your book be one that Charlie and I agree is a waste of paper (or electronic power). It doesn't happen very often. Don't let it happen to you.
Marian Allen
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Guest blogger Pauline Holyoak shares lessons she's learned since becoming published
Although I have been freelance writing for many years, Merryweather Lodge is my first published novel. Since its publication in October, I have been inundated with questions and demands. I know now that being a published author isn't as glamorous or as easy as one might imagine.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Author Intrusion: More Mistake Than Writing Style
It’s not just the spelling and grammatical errors, which seem to occur more often in the latter third of the novels (in traditionally published books as well), but the lack of control in point of view. Specifically, I stumbled across too much author intrusion in “indie” books, and all of them would have been stronger if the authors had been more careful about point of view. Some of the intrusions were very subtle – a piece of given information that doesn’t seem to come from any characters’ thoughts. Other authors were more blatant and actually stopped the narrative to tell the reader something that wasn’t crucial to the story. Now, a few authors used the omniscient point of view (where perceptions, analysis or predictions can only come from the author) or from a combination of omniscient and third person POV, but the transitions were awkward at times. If indie writers want to raise the bar and rise above the competition, hiring a professional editor and controlling point of view would go a long way.
If you can’t afford an editor, try Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Rennie Browne and Dave King. It’s an excellent book that’s helped me and others.
Coming in March 2011, THE OPPOSITE OF DARK,
My Alex Bellamy mysteries can be purchased at
Sunday, January 09, 2011
New Year, Big Plans

Happy New Year, everyone! As I’ve written in the past, I don’t make new year’s resolutions, but I do a fair amount of reflecting on what I’d like to accomplish over the next twelve months. Now that I’ve broken free of a day job—for the time being, anyway—most of this year will be about creative output and promotion . . . lots of promotion, given that my first Casey Holland mystery, The Opposite of Dark, will be published March 15. My copies will arrive a few weeks earlier, which is very exciting. One thing is certain: it will be a memorable year. Here’s the blurb my publisher posted on amazon:
Thirty-year-old Casey Holland likes being a transit security cop. It brings out the best of her compassion, perseverance and courage. After capturing a suspect who’s been groping female bus passengers, Casey learns that her father was murdered in his West Vancouver home the previous evening. The trouble is, Casey buried her dad at an open-casket funeral service three years earlier, and he never owned a house in pricey West Van. Convinced that the police are mistaken, Casey accompanies them to the morgue. When she sees the body, her certainty dissolves.
Against her better judgment and the wishes of the investigating detective, Casey starts asking questions about her father and the strange house in West Van, placing her life, and her friends’ lives, in jeopardy. Her search for answers takes her to England, Europe and Vancouver Island, and Casey uncovers a scheme her father was involved in that may have led to his death--which death, though, is still unclear. One thing is certain: Casey’s life is in danger.
My Alex Bellamy mysteries can be purchased at
Friday, January 07, 2011
Writing the Devil into Your Bad Guy
By this I mean that writers must...
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Check out Kindle Nation Daily for everything Kindle
What you'll find at Kindle Nation Daily:
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You can have all this information at your fingertips by visiting Kindle Nation Daily now.
Click here to have Kindle Nation Daily pushed directly to your Kindle 24/7 with a subscription to the Kindle edition
Cheryl Kaye Tardif
P.S. My $0.99 Kindle (and Smashwords) ebook sale is still on. This sale ends January 10th, 2011.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Literary Agent Richard Curtis asks: "Do Authors Make Good Publishers?"
For years, various elements of the publishing industry have tried to tamp down the involvement of authors in their own success. Publishers didn't want too much input from authors; they wanted to maintain their iron-gloved fist of control. Editors wanted to be seen as the experts on all things grammatical (and in many instances they were), even to the point of changing story elements to suit their tastes. And the writer has been at the bottom of the heap, the creator of a story that stemmed from their ideas.
Traditional publishing is made of many moving parts--publisher, editor, cover artist, publicist etc. Self-publishing required that an author either take on all these roles or sub-contract these areas. A smart self-published author quickly learns that though they may be good at all areas, it's far better to hire out and cut down the work load. This was they can focus on writing more books. That's what I do. That's what makes a good publisher, the ability to recognize areas of strengths and delegate others.
Respected author and self-publishing advocate JA Konrath posts a reply to Curtis on his blog, and he makes some valid points. First, anyone who has been following Konrath over the past year knows where he stands on self-publishing. He's all for it and is one of the top income earners in the ebook industry.
"Authors should self-publish," Konrath writes. "In an ebook-dominated world, are publishers even needed?"
I've watched the massive rise in popularity of ebooks and ereaders. No one predicted it would happen this quickly or early, but it's here. Ebooks are outselling print books. I know that just from my own sales data. My ebook sales in December blew my print sales out the door.
The biggest indicator for me that ebooks are King is this:
My mother who is an avid reader of about 3 paperbacks a week always claimed how much she loved print books and that she'd never read via an ereader. So I gave her one for her birthday in August. When I spoke with her at Christmas I expected her to tell me she hadn't bothered to turn her new Kobo on yet.
Boy, was I shocked by her answer. She "LOVES" her ereader. She likes that she can enlarge the font for easier reading and that she can buy books so easily. She's already downloaded all of Lee Child's "Reacher" ebooks. She reads during the day. She reads in bed. No more waiting for time to shop for books at the store. If you knew my Mom you'd know that this is a clear revelation as to where ebooks are going. The surprising news: We're there!
So back to Richard Curtis's question: Do Authors Make Good Publishers?
Here's my answer:
Some do; some don't. A self-published author taking on the role of publisher will have to dedicate time and energy to the process. If they're doing print, they may be looking at ways to get books into stores, something that is getting harder by the week. But if they're publishing ebooks, the doors are wide open.
bestselling author of Whale Song
P.S. I just answered the door. My new Kobo ereader with Wi-fi is here! Whooo-ooo!
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Writing While Traveling
This week, our family spent four fun-filled days in Las Vegas to get away from the winter cold and the rain that was drenching the pacific northwest. My son and husband had never been there before, so it was a treat to show them sights that literally had their jaws dropping. As we strolled through the enormous over-the-top themed hotels and along the strip’s flashing, brilliant lights, and noise, I tried to come up with words that might best describe this overload—if not downright assault—on the senses, but I fell short. Maybe it’s just difficult to put some sights and sounds into words. My husband, who’d seen Vegas on TV and in movies and had heard about it countless times from friends, thought he had a pretty good idea of what to expect, but even he was flabbergasted by the place. I’m not a travel writer and haven’t read much about Vegas, so I’m not sure how other authors have fared, but I suspect that Las Vegas is one of those places one has to experience to truly understand what the writer is talking about.
So, I stuck to my own writing, which is always a bit of a challenge when you’re with others all day long, and faced with many attractions and distractions. The question is always what do I bring with me? When I left on Monday, I was in the midst of a final edit and proofing of the second novel in my Casey series. This requires concentration, so that book stayed home. I’d also finished the first draft of my fourth Casey, and the whole novel needed to be read again slowly and carefully to begin the second draft. That book stayed home, too.
Waiting in airports and flying offers plenty of time to think about works in progress, so I brought a short story I’d started in the summer, but hadn’t finished, and began plotting my fifth novel. They turned out to be good choices. The short story is almost finished, and I’ve outlined half of the book.
It takes some thought to figure out which writing projects will best fit your traveling schedule, but once you do, those airport waits and long hours of flying could turn out to be one of your most productive times of the year. Good luck, and bon voyage!
Coming in March 2011, THE OPPOSITE OF DARK,
My Alex Bellamy mysteries can be purchased at