Sunday, September 27, 2009
Word on the Street - Vancouver
This was my sixth year at the fair and I never grow tired of it. This event is not just about selling books—although that’s a bonus—it’s about meeting friends, new and old, and discussing books, conventions, writers, and publishers, and all other writing-related things. It’s about sharing the love of reading with strangers.
The fair hasn’t changed much over the years and still has plenty to offer everyone: kids’ tents, a tent for poets to read aloud, and two more for novelists and nonfiction writers. One thing I’ve noticed since first attending in 1996 was the growth of graphic novels and comic books. I don’t remember them being much of a presence back then, but these writers now fill one very large room.
Technology has also changed the event a little. This year, Margaret Atwood was reading live from Toronto, yet Vancouver fans could participate in a question and answer session. They also could have their copies of her latest, The Year of the Flood, signed by Atwood using LongPen technology.
It was good to see colleagues again. Many of them travelled a fair distance to get there, but I think all would agree it was worth it. We sold some books, promoted Crime Writers of Canada (you do know there is such an organization don’t you?) caught up on each others’ lives, and exchanged smiles with tons of people on a gorgeous sunny day. What more could one ask for?
To read excerpts of Fatal Encryption and Taxed to Death, visit
Fatal Encryption is available through at and Taxed to Death can be found at
Sunday, September 20, 2009
What James Patterson's Up To and What I'm Up To
Meanwhile, the rest of us plug along as best we can. This week, I received one of the most thoughtful and in-depth reviews of Fatal Encryption I’ve ever had. I don’t know the reviewer personally, but she and I happen to be on the same forum, and I asked her if she’d review my book, and she agreed. Anyhow, the review by Fran Lewis is at
Also, I might have mentioned that I was featured on a blog by The Park Avenue Princess. She offered a giveaway of Fatal Encryption, which ended September 17th. The Princess reported that she had a great number of hits and the winner was very excited to have won a copy of the book. The contest went so well that she’ll be featuring me again, this time with respect to my first Alex Bellamy novel, Taxed to Death. I’m busy preparing something for this feature and will let you know when the contest is underway.
Lastly, I’m very honoured to be a future guest on author Lorna Suzuki’s blog. She’s given me quite a few questions to answer, so I’m busy working on those too. Her blog should be posted by the end of September, but I’ll announce the exact date later.
Thanks to all of those who participated in the giveaway. I really do appreciate it.
Do Blog Tours Live Up To the Hype?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Medicine People by Lazarus Barnhill
Steel Waters by Ken Coffman
Toxic Shock Syndrome by Ken Coffman
Mazurka by Aaron Lazar
Heart of Hythea by Suzanne Francis
and now, Staccato by Deborah J Ledford
Sunday, September 13, 2009
What Makes a Good Writer Great?
Because I love to read, I thought it would be an interesting challenge to review books. Over the past two years, I’ve read everything from bestselling authors to self-published authors who’ve released their first books.
What’s especially jumped out at me lately is the amazing variety of stories. So many new, unknown writers have great yarns with intriguing and unusual premises, yet there’s a little something missing in the writing. Something that doesn’t put these people in the league of an Alice Munro, Raymond Carver, or Doris Lessing, for instance.
I can’t give a simple reason for this. To say that some writers just lack talent or experience seems too simplistic, although there might be a grain of true in that for some. But when you read a book that makes you think “wow, what an amazing writer, what exactly do you mean?
For me, great writing is a combination of things, but mainly I find it in the strength and distinctiveness of the writer’s voice. That tone, essence, and dazzling choice of words paragraph after paragraph, page after page, is what does it for me. Having said that, I’m not sure I have a handle on all the other factors, so I’d love to hear which authors you think are great and why.
A lot of people say you can teach people to write. I think this is true and I think you can even teach people to write well enough to sell their work and earn recognition. But can you teach someone to be a truly great writer? Will they be great if they practice enough? Learn enough? Read enough? Or is it a matter of some have it, and some don’t?
Characters Butting Heads
As an aside: this is my current metaphor for a good story — characters butting heads with each other and spinning off in new directions. Too many authors today have their characters butting heads, moving straight back and butting heads again. If the characters don’t ricochet off into a different direction each time, you have characters that don’t change and hence you have a static story.
In the fourth draft of More Deaths Than One, I gave Bob a love interest, a waitress he met at a coffee shop. (Hey, so it’s been done before. The poor guy spent eighteen years in Southeast Asia, and didn’t know anybody stateside. How else was he supposed to meet someone?) That’s when the story took off. He had someone to butt heads with, someone to ooh and aah over his achievements, someone to be horrified at what had been done to him.
From that, I learned the importance of writing scenes with more than one character.
So why am I mentioning this?
Well, I’ve hit a hole in my work-in-progress, a possible weakness. The hero of this whimsically ironic apocalyptic novel, Chip, loses one person after the other until he is alone. There will be plenty of conflict as he contends with his new environment, but it might get boring without other characters for him to interact with.
There will be no problem once he ends up in the human zoo in the second part – his problem there (though not mine as the writer) is that he will have too many people to contend with. The same holds true for the third part of the book when he escapes. So there will be only about sixty pages where he is alone.
I do have one thing in my favor. I am a much better writer than I was when I wrote the first draft of More Deaths Than One, so perhaps I can keep the story going with Chip alone. (Saying I am a much better writer now is not necessarily saying I am a good writer. The first draft of More Deaths Than One was laughably bad. That I found an agent for it says more about the agent than it does my writing. No surprise – he couldn’t sell it.)
Chip does have to be alone at the end of the first part; he has an important step to take and must be by himself to take it. He also has to go through some experiences alone because they are essentially in his mind (or at least he thinks they are), but who will he be butting heads with the rest of the time? I’ll have to think about this.
More Deaths Than One is available from Amazon, Smashwords, and Second Wind Publishing
Monday, September 07, 2009
Free Ebooks!
Now is your chance to read More Deaths Than One or A Spark of Heavenly Fire!
More Deaths Than One: Bob Stark returns to Denver after 18 years in Southeast Asia to discover that the mother he buried before he left is dead again. He attends her new funeral and sees . . . himself. Is his other self a hoaxer, or is something more sinister going on? And why are two men who appear to be government agents hunting for him? With the help of Kerry Casillas, a baffling young woman Bob meets in a coffee shop, he uncovers the unimaginable truth.
A Spark of Heavenly Fire: In quarantined Colorado, where hundreds of thousands of people are dying from an unstoppable disease called the red death, insomniac Kate Cummings struggles to find the courage to live and to love. Her new love, investigative reporter Greg Pullman, is determined to discover who unleashed the deadly organism and why they did it, until the cost — Kate’s life — becomes more than he can pay.
Labor Day GiveAway ends September 12.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Can You Spot a Liar?
Another useful link at the bottom of Blakeley’s article will take you to an article by Melanie Lindner, also of Forbes, that lists eleven tips to help you determine if someone’s lying. Here’s a few that you can use in your fictional, or even your real life:
# 1: Liars won’t face you directly, but at an angle and with arms and legs crossed.
#2: Liars are more likely to ask you to repeat a question, or to answer with “to be perfectly honest”.
# 3: Liars aren’t particularly good with the details and are more emphatic about being right.
#4: The pauses between their words will often increase.
#5: Liars are often guarded, defensive and less cooperative
#6: Liars tend to use “you” and “they” rather than “I”.
#7: Hand gestures are more pronounced and will match the rhythm of their speech
#8: Experienced liars don’t break into a sweat, but their eyes might shifty eyes and voice pitch will change.
Okay, go ahead and create a liar. Just make him or her a good one!
Saturday, September 05, 2009
My Blog Talk Radio Interview -- What Fun!
What does matter is that I didn't give the right website address for my publisher, Second Wind Publishing. Aaaarrrggghhhh! You can find them at Just goes to show that you can't take anything for granted. Make sure you have website addresses and other pertinent information right in front of you. Don't rely on your memory!
I had fun, though. I'd met one of the hosts, Steven Clark Bradley, author of Patriot Acts, through Facebook. We've had a few interesting email conversations, he's participated in some of my discussions, and he did a wonderful review of More Deaths Than One. During the blog talk show he mentioned that he stayed up late one night to read my book --Oh, how I enjoy keeping men up late at night! What power!
We talked about how I got the ideas for my books, talked about the characters, and I got in a plug for my novel, Daughter Am I, which will be published next month. All good stuff. The best thing about Blog Talk Radio is that, like all blogs, it's forever. So stop by whenever you can. I'll be there.
Blog Talk Two (Today's interview): Back Story -- The Behind the Scenes Look at Writing a Novel
Blog Talk One (My first interview): Talk to Me: Conversations With Creative, Unconventional People
Steven Clark Bradley's review: More Deaths Than One
More Deaths Than One and A Spark of Heavenly Fire are available from Second Wind Publishing, LLC.
You can also download the first 30% free at Smashwords
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Got the "Back to School Blues"?

For many parents, September means one thing: it's back to school time! And that single realization can bristle, stress out and frustrate even the most organized parents. Some even sink into a temporary depression--the "Back to School Blues".
So how does one deal with the depression of excessive financial debt, plus the fact that little Johnny and Lisa will be gone all day, leaving you alone with nothing to think about other
You remind yourself: it's only temporary. And it is, I guarantee you.
You have approximately 18 years to buy those school supplies, maybe longer if you're forking the bill for your child's college, university or other post-secondary schooling. As your child matures and gets into high school, you might find some of the stress easing off as they take some responsibility for extra-curricular activity expenses. Little Johnny wants to play hockey? Have him contribute a small amount from his part-time job. Or have him work for you. At least you'll feel you've gotten something back from the hundreds of dollars you've spent on knees pads and helmets.
September is a time for beginnings--the first day back to school, back with all their friends, and the day you release them to this new year of learning. It's also a great time for parents to start new projects. These projects will keep you busy and you'll feel motivated by the subtle changes in your home--specifically, the lack of noise.
As a parent of a 19-year-old who has finished school, I can safely say that it's been a few years since I suffered from the "Back to School Blues". I long for September because it signals change--good change. I find I'm most productive in September and January because both months make me feel I can start over, start something new and start something exciting. And thankfully, I don't need a new wardrobe or a list of supplies or a bus pass, and the only teacher giving me homework is me.
Everything is temporary. Enjoy this time with your child. They grow up far too fast.
~Cheryl Kaye Tardif,
bestselling author of Whale Song
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Giving 110% 24/7
If I hear one more person say he is going to give a hundred and ten percent, I think I’ll scream or vomit or do something equally repulsive.
What does it mean, anyway? A hundred and ten percent of what? Once you go beyond one hundred percent, you get into a form of mathematics that I know nothing about. It could be a hundred and ten percent of two hundred percent, which isn’t good. Or it could be a hundred and ten percent of one thousand percent, which is worse.
Unless you flunked remedial math, in which case you might have an excuse for your ignorance, you should know that you cannot give more than one hundred percent. That is the maximum. I’m not certain it is even possible for a person to give the maximum effort. Your energy and fluids and muscles would be so debilitated that you might not be able to recover. But if it were possible to give a maximum effort, the world would be a great place to live because of all you special people.
The only expression ghastlier than a hundred and ten percent is 24/7. When speaking of a business, it might apply, but when it is used for a person, as in “I work twenty-four seven,” it becomes impossible. The only thing a person can do 24/7 is breathe, and with sleep apnea being so prevalent, a lot of people don’t even do that 24/7. You certainly can’t work 24/7. What about sleeping? Eating? Defecating? All these activities subtract from that 24/7. (If you continue to work while on the toilet, I don’t want to know about it.)
There is nothing wrong with hyperbole. It is an acceptable literary form. But please, if you must hyperbolize, be inventive. I’m certain that if you try you can come up with something even more annoying than giving a hundred and ten percent 24/7.
Pat Bertram is the author of More Deaths Than One and A Spark of Heavenly Fire published by Second Wind Publishing LLC.