I’ve come across a number of intriguing blogs this week by
traditionally published authors who, for varying reasons, turned to
self-publishing. I’m not going go on about right or wrong on either side. I just
want to share what I found, and I welcome your thoughts.
The first blog is from thriller author Boyd Morrison, who
was under contract with a big six publisher. The first book in his series landed
on bestseller lists, garnered decent sales, and good reviews. The second also
received great reviews but sold fewer copies. His British publisher accepted
the third manuscript, but his American publisher, Simon & Schuster,
rejected the manuscript and demanded the advance back. Morrison tried to find
an American publisher to pick up his series, however all refused, so he will be
self-publishing the third book while his British publisher (who’s on board with
his self-publishing plan) brings it out in other parts of the world. You can
read more of his story at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/boyd-morrison/self-publishing-traditional-publishing_b_1426321.html?ref=tw
Another interesting blog is from author Mark Terry, who
compared his royalty statement from his traditional publisher with his
self-published books. Terry reports that over a six month period, royalties on
two of his traditionally published books came to a whopping $249.99. His agent took
15% of that, reducing his earnings to $212.49. He then had to give the federal
and state governments a total of 28% in taxes, which left him $153 to pay his
However, in March he received a royalty check, covering the
month of January, for his self-published books. The check was for $1,013. He’s
the first to admit that he’s not getting rich over this, but he’s convinced
that cumulative books pays off for indie authors, but not so much for
traditionally published authors. To read more of Terry’s blog, go to http://markterrybooks.blogspot.it/2012/04/traditional-publishing-is-dead.html
A bestselling children’s author named G.P. Taylor turned
away from traditional publishers because he can make three times the money
self-publishing than through the traditional route. Taylor
is already a multi-millionaire whose books have been made into movies. You can
read more about his decision in the dailymail.co.uk at http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2134534/Childrens-author-GP-Taylor-hes-decided-self-publish.html
And last, but certainly not least, is a candid blog from
author David Gaughram, who struggled with the decision to self-publish a year
ago, and happily reported that this decision has been paying his rent since
August. Just as importantly, he says that self-publishing improved his
confidence as a writer after abandoning the often frustrating and demoralizing
traditional slush pile route. He too quotes some of his sales figures, which
you can see at http://davidgaughran.wordpress.com/2012/04/26/was-self-publishing-the-right-decision/
So, there you go, folks. I’m sure you see the pattern, but keep
in mind, these are only four people. There are other success stories, and there
are plenty of self-published authors who aren’t anywhere close to making a
living. It’s all one big experiment, and I’d like to know how these four authors
will be doing five years from now. Stay tuned!
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TAXED TO DEATH, http://tinyurl.com/czsy5n