Monday, November 21, 2016

New Fantasy Anthology -- Sword & Sorceress 31

I'm very pleased and proud to announce that I have a short story in this year's annual Marion Zimmer Bradley Sword & Sorceress anthology, this one being 31.


Unicorn Heart Pauline J. Alama
Simplicity Marian Allen
Black Dust Robin Wayne Bailey
After The Swan Song Lorie Calkins
Lord Ruthven’s Masque Steve Chapman
Reading the Future Laura Davy
Pig-Headed Suzan Harden
Shiny in the Shallows Rose Hill
In Her Shoes Melissa Mead
Earth's Daughter Catherine Mintz
Beasts and Monsters Michael H. Payne
Sage Mountain Deborah J. Ross
Hot Milk Before Bed L.S. Patton
Tears of a Dead God Jonathan Shipley
The Sassy and the Naegg Dave Smeds
Tale-maker; Tale-spinner Pam Wallace
The Fountains of Karona Julia H. West 

Sword & Sorceress 31, edited by Elisabeth Waters, was published November 2, 2016 and is entirely suitable as as gift for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Twelfth Night, Winter Solstice, Yule, etc.

It is available in trade paperback, Kindle, Kobo, and Nook formats.

Marian Allen, Author Lady
Fantasies, mysteries, comedies, recipes

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